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Free Web App Trello: Your Key to Institutional Memory in Your Free Web App Trello: Your Key to Institutional Memory in Your
Subject Librarian Departments Subject Librarian Departments
Robert Heaton
Utah State University
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Heaton, Robert, "Free Web App Trello: Your Key to Institutional Memory in Your Subject Librarian
Departments" (2015).
Library Faculty & Staff Presentations.
Paper 66.
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Harry Potter
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Robert Heaton
Electronic Collections Librarian
You have a new subject librarian assignment and don’t know
how the previous librarian collaborated with the department
You are busy doing great work with your department and
don’t know how to keep track of it all
What’s Trello?
Free and
Access from
Sync to all
your devices
Move and edit
on the fly
Share access
but easy to
Search and
Attach files
Set deadlines
Customize your Trello board to meet your needs, and it will be the
centralized place for your subject-librarianship record-keeping.
Then you can easily pass it on to the next person assigned to that department
so they can stand on the shoulders of giants instead of starting from scratch.
Access the example board online:
Attach documents such as
lesson plans or title lists
Preview attachments
right in Trello
Search the whole board
for topics or courses
Track the date of a
recent interaction
or set a deadline
for follow-up
Keep notes on
with faculty
The problem:
The solution:
The bottom line:
Free Web App Trello:
Get a free account and jump right in at https://trello.com
Use checklists to
make plans and
track your progress
“Mention” collaborators
to send personal notes
Your Key to Institutional Memory
in Your Subject Librarian Departments
Poster presented at ALA Annual Conference 2015 in San Francisco